Patient Charter


Access to Beacon Renal Dialysis Services.
You have the right to receive dialysis treatment here at Beacon Renal once you are deemed stable enough by your Primary Consultant Nephrologist from your parent hospital and are suitable to attend our ambulatory care facility.

Dignity and Respect
You have the right to be treated with dignity, respect and compassion at all times by every member of the Beacon Renal staff. We respect all cultures, values and beliefs in line with clinical decision making. Ministers from all religions are welcome to visit patients in the unit.

Safe and Effective Care/Services
You have the right to receive safe and effective care and services in line with current best medical evidence. You have the right to receive your dialysis treatment in some safe, clean, comfortable and professional surroundings. You have the right to be informed of the Beacon Renals emergency plan in case of disaster such as fire, loss of power or water supply.

Dietary Counselling
You have the right to receive counselling from a qualified dietician.

Visiting Arrangements
You have the right to receive visits from your relatives and friends. Beacon Renal must ensure that visiting arrangements are flexible and, consistent with the nature of your illness and the needs of all of our patients.

Privacy and Confidentiality
You are entitled to privacy during interviews and examinations. Patients may avail of patient interview rooms which allow for privacy during consultations. You have the right to confidentiality in respect to your medical records. We maintain strict confidentiality of personal information.

You have the right to be informed of the nature of your illness or condition in language which you can fully understand, and to be informed concerning:

  • the results of your tests, and other investigations.
  • the purpose, method, likely duration and expected benefit of the proposed treatment
  • alternative forms of treatment such as continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), transplantation.
  • possible pain or discomfort, risks and side-effects of the proposed treatment.

You have the right to have your pain treated and/or managed.
You have the right to have your values and beliefs respected and you have the right to refuse or discontinue your treatment.

Informed Consent
You are entitled to participate in the decisions about medical investigations and treatments that you will receive. Generally, treatment should only be given to a patient with his or her informed consent or, in the case of vulnerable patient the consent of a legal guardian. If you are unable to give consent please note your designated next of kin may be asked to give it. You may request the presence of a person or persons of your choosing during the procedure for granting consent. The consent form you are asked to sign should clearly state the nature of the procedures to be undertaken and the name of the person performing the signature.

Only in emergency cases where a patient lacks the capacity to give or withhold consent and where the next of kin is not available, then a qualified medical doctor may determine that treatment is urgently necessary in order to prevent immediate or imminent harm. Treatment may then be given without informed consent.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of your care, you are entitled to make a complaint, by emailing our General Manager Pauline Cullen at We welcome your feedback about care and services you received from us. A complaint will be dealt with fairly and promptly and you will be informed of the outcome. Our management guarantees that all complaints will be treated in accordance with our Complaints Policy.


  • Learn as much as you can about your kidney disease and how it is treated
  • Talk to your healthcare team about your concerns regarding your treatment.
  • Let us know if you do not understand any aspect of the information we give you. We are always happy to explain your treatment more clearly to you.
  • Supply all information about your health that is needed to plan and carry out a treatment program that will give you the best results.
  • Comply with care and treatment plan agreed upon with your care providers
  • Make every effort to be on time for your scheduled dialysis.
  • Tell the dialysis facility ahead of time if you are unable to attend your next treatment date.
  • Inform the nurse in charge if you require any change to your allotted time slot for dialysis. Be conscious that patients may be asked to share transport arrangements
  • Understand that your treatment may be shortened if you arrive late.
  • Treat other patients and staff members with respect, dignity and consideration.
  • Never threaten others, act in a violent manner, or cause any physical harm.
  • Take responsibility for all personal property brought to the unit.
  • Comply with the Visiting Arrangements, Hygiene, Infection Prevention and Control and Smoke-free Policies.